Den Resources

Cub Connections

Click the following link to view VIRTUAL DEN MEETINGS  that you can watch and participate at home in order to complete many of your rank requirements.

New meetings are being added every month, so be sure to check back often!

Den Handbooks

Click on the images below to access a digital copy of the handbook for your den

Den Leader Guides

Youth Protection / Cyber Chip / Protect Yourself Rules

Each year, Scouts must complete the Youth Protection requirement, and either the Cyber Chip -or- the Protect Yourself requirement.  Once you and your Scout have completed the requirements, be sure to go into Scoutbook and mark the activites as complete.  Or, if you are having troubles with Scoutbook, talk to your Den Leader, and they will be able to mark it as complete.

Youth Protection

Cyber Chip

Protect Yourself Rules

Questions or Concerns?