Join Pack 60 

or Reregister

Congratulations on your decision to join Cub Scout Pack 60!

We are excited to have your family as part of our Pack this year!

To Join or Reregister

Please go to the the following link, and click on "Youth/Adult Join/Renew". Then, fill in the requested information, and checkout.

For NEW FAMILIES, after registration, someone should contact you within 48 hours.  If not, please reach out to anyone on the "About Us" page.

Registration this year is $205 per scout. This annual registration pays for most of the programming that we do during the year, as well as neckerchiefs, and all of the patches and awards that the scout earns during the year.  Optionally, scouts can elect to receive "Scouts' Life", the official monthly scouting magazine for an additional $12/year.

We do ask that each family participate in our annual Fall Fundraisers in lieu of charging any additional fees.  If you choose not to participate in the fundraisers, there will be an additional activity fee to help cover our Pack's cost to provide a quality program to the Scouts. Scouts selling more than their quota will earn 20% of the proceeds back to a "Scout Account" which can be used to pay summer camp fees, next year's dues, or to purchase anything scouting related.

Free "Class B" Activity T-Shirt!

This year, ALL new and returning Scouts will receive a FREE Camping Activity T-Shirt!

Additionally... NEW scouts this year will also receive the following items FREE:

* Voucher for Fall Day Camp

* Pack 60 Class-B T-Shirt

Register by Aug 31

We are asking that all returning scouts complete the registration process by August 31st so that we can better plan for the start of our 2023/24 year!

New scouts can join at ANY TIME during the year, but they need to register by September 30 to earn the free T-Shirt!

Help! What's my BSA Membership Number?

For NEW Scouts, you don't have one yet. You will be assigned one after registration.

For EXISTING Scouts, to find your BSA Membership Number:

Need Additional Help?

Here are a few walkthroughs to help you navigate the registration site.

Still need help?  Please contact ANY of the people listed on the About Us page, and we will be happy to assist you!