



RSVP for Feed My Starving Children by Nov 2

Please RSVP for our Feed My Starving Children event as soon as possible, even if you aren't attending.  There are only a limited number of spots, so it's First Come-First Served.  Any reservations not claimed by Nov 2 will need to be released to allow others to join.
Head to our FMSC page for more info and to RSVP.

Order NEW "Vintage" Pack 60 T-Shirts by Oct 31

Just a reminder, if you would like to purchase one of our NEW "Vintage" T-Shirt designs, you order MUST be in by October 31!
For NEW members of our Pack, you should have received a coupon code for 1 free shirt.  Please reach out to Cubmaster Tillman if you didn't.
Please head to for more info and to order.

Pack Meeting: Thurs Nov 14 - Uniform Inspection / Voting

Trunk or Treat - Trunks Needed

We're still looking for a couple volunteers to decorate a car and hand out candy at the Resurrection Lutheran Trunk-or-Treat.  If you are willing, please contact Ross Dahlin at

Otherwise, we hope to see ALL SCOUTS in costume at the Trunk or Treat!

Popcorn Challenge = $50 Reward!

We are on pace to PASS last year's Popcorn Fundraising total!  We are currently at $31,225... only $6,000 away from our goal of $37,260!  Keep up the good work, we're almost there!  The Scout who sells the bag of popcorn that puts us over our goal will win $50!!!
My challenge to you... sign up for another storefront... knock on a few more doors in your neighborhood... call up Grandma and Grandpa and ask if they want to buy more!  By my estimates, we will likely hit this goal during storefronts this coming weekend!

You orders MUST be entered into the app to win this prize. 

Popcorn Turn In/Pickup - Extended to Nov 3

Our big push for popcorn sales ends on  Oct 27.  However, the sale actually continues until Sunday, Nov 3.  If you are close to earning the next prize, we have storefronts available at Jerry's on Nov 2 and Nov 3.  If you would like to sell either of those days, I will give scouts FULL CREDIT for what they sell.  Sign up for the shifts and see if you can push past your own personal goals!

All orders are to be turned in via the Trail's End app.  PREFERABLY, all money will be turned in via the Cash-to-Credit option in the App.  Otherwise, money can be dropped off in an envelope to the lock-box at 7285 Newbury Draw.  All orders are due Sunday, November 3.

If you need popcorn to deliver, I will start handing that out on Sunday, Oct 27.  Watch for an email notification.

Wreath Order Turn In - Extended to Nov 1

We're extending the deadline to turn in wreath orders to Friday, Nov 1.  You can turn in your orders anytime between now and Nov 1.  Check out our Wreath Page to print your 2024 Submission Form.  Then, turn in your money and submission form (KEEP YOUR SALES FORMS) to the lock-box at 7285 Newbury Draw.


NEW "Vintage" Pack 60 T-Shirts

Our Pack has a NEW "Vintage" T-Shirt Design!  This one embeds the ink into the fabric, so it should wear a lot better than our current shirts.  There's no requirement to order a new shirt... but if you would like one (or more), they are $20/ea, and MUST be ordered by October 31.  Please head to for more info and to order.

Pack Meeting Announcements

Since many of our announcements are made at our Pack Meetings... you might miss something important if you miss a meeting.  Therefore, we're starting to put a link to our most recent Pack Meeting Slides on our homepage, under the Quick Links section on the right side.  If you miss the meeting... be sure to check out the slides.

Pack/Den Photos

Share your photos of Pack and Den events.  See the link in your email to access.

Upcoming Events

As always... please check the main page of our Website for up-to-date information about our upcoming events.  But, here's a quick snapshot:

Suggestions needed for Pinewood Derby and Cake Bake themes.  Email



1st Pack Meeting is EARLY tomorrow!

Our Pack Meeting tomorrow starts at 6:00pm instead of 6:30.  Since we are OUTSIDE tomorrow, we want to make sure that we have enough daylight available to complete our meeting.  I look forward to seeing you all there!

Uniform Donation / Exchange

A Scout is Thrifty

Please bring any unwanted previously used uniform gear to ANY Pack Meeting, and we'll make sure it finds a good home.

We will pass the gear on to other Scouts who need it. If YOU need something that is in the exchange bin, then you are free to take it for your use.


We have a number of Scouts who still have not registered for the 2024/25 Scouting year. Scouts who are not registered have ALREADY been removed from Scoutbook. It is important that you register ASAP so that you continue to get our email announcements and meeting reminders.

Check out the JOIN PACK 60 page for more instructions.

Pack Meeting Location

Due to scheduling conflicts, MOST of our meetings will be held at BAILEY ELEMENTARY this year.

However, we will ALSO be meeting at Royal Oaks, Lake Middle, and Resurrection Lutheran.  Be sure to check the meeting announcements for the proper location. 

Volunteers Needed

We are still in need of volunteers to help our Pack operate as smoothly as possible. If you are interested in helping out in any of these positions, or have some other talent to offer, please contact Erik McKloskey at



RSVP by Nov1 for FMSC / Wreath & Popcorn Orders DUE - Monday, October 30!

Feed My Starving Children

On Saturday, November 11, Pack 60 members will be helping out at Feed My Starving Children in Eagan. This is a great opportunity for the Scouts to Do their Duty to God and Country by helping those less fortunate than ourselves.  However, we need RSVPs by Wednesday, November 1 so that we can release any spot that we don't have filled.  PLEASE RSVP HERE.  If your name is not on this list, or if you have additional guests (siblings, uncle, etc.), then please leave a note with their names.  Click Here for full information.


We are less an 1 week away from the end of our Fall Fundraising! (YAY!)  ALL Popcorn and Wreath orders AND money are due next week on Monday, October 30.  If you know that you are finished with sales, you can turn in your orders at any time, you DON'T have to wait until Monday!

This is your last chance to make a few more sales to try to get to that next level in Popcorn Prizes, or to try to be the TOP WREATH SELLER in your Den and throw a PIE IN THE FACE of the Leader/Adult of your choice and our November Pack Meeting!  Not a top seller?  That's okay!  We will also be randomly drawing a handful of other winners... the more items you sell, the better chance you have of winning!

Please visit the WREATH and POPCORN pages for full instructions on how to turn in your orders, and links to the Wreath Order Submission Form.

Here is a quick rundown:


Add your orders to the Excel/Google/PDF Submission Form. (located on the website)

Make sure your Sales Total matches your Cash+Check Total.

PREFERRABLY:   Keep the cash for yourself and write out 1 check to cover all of your cash.

Print out your completed Submission Form and put it in an envelope with all of your cash and checks.

DO NOT include your actual sales form - save this so you know whom to deliver the wreaths to.

Label the envelope "WREATHS - <Scout Name>"

Deposit the envelope by into the Lock Box on the bench outside the Tillman residence - 7285 Newbury Draw


Enter ALL of your orders as "Wagon" sales into the Trail's End App or Website.

View your Dashboard in the Trail's End App or Website to see your Amount Due to Unit

Pay your amount due by either:

1) PREFERRED - Click on the "Pay Now" button in the Trail's End APP (not available in the Website) to pay your amount due by Credit Card


2) Put cash and checks into an envelope labeled "POPCORN - <Scout Name>" and drop it into the Lock Box on the bench outside the Tillman residence - 7285 Newbury Draw

DO NOT turn in your paper sales form with the money, keep that so that you know who you need to deliver to.

WHAT IF? - What is someone bought both wreaths AND popcorn and paid with only 1 check?  Put the check in one pile or the other, and move cash to the other pile so that both piles contain the correct amount of money.  If you don't have the correct amount of change to do that, please hand deliver the envelope to Mr. Tillman instead of using the lock box, and we'll make it work.

If you have any questions, please reach out to or

If you need an IMMEDIATE response, please call/text Henry DaBruzzi @ (651) 500-7273 for wreath questions, and Jason Tillman @ (651) 983-1687 for popcorn or general questions.

Thank you for another amazing fundraising season!  Now it's time to focus on the FUN!

Cubmaster Tillman


Hello Pack 60!  Our Scouting year is off to a roaring start! Here are some important announcements as we try to keep up the momentum:

Pie in the face?!   - Respond by Thursday 9AM!

Email by Thursday 9AM with your Scout's name, number of WREATH items sold, and total WREATH dollar amount,  and they will be entered into a drawing to hit one of our leaders with a pie in the face at the Bear Carnival on Thursday!

Popcorn  Fundraiser

Our popcorn fundraiser is well underway, and storefront shifts are filing up FAST.  However, the best place to sell is in your own neighborhood! Don't forget that the top selling DOOR-TO-DOOR Scouts will win Gift Cards!  If you've made sales and need product to deliver, or have any questions, please contact

October Pack Meeting - Bear Carnival

Lake Middle School Cafeteria   - Thursday, October 12 - 6:30-7:45pm

Our next Pack Meeting will be THIS THURSDAY at Lake Middle School.  Our annual Bear Carnival has returned!  Come join us for a variety of games that our Bears have put together for us!  All Scouts in attendance will receive the Bear Carnival segment for their Activity Patch!

Upcoming Events - Full Calendar

Sunday, October 29 - 11:30am-1:00pm - Trunk-or-Treat! with Resurrection Lutheran Church - Resurrection Church Parking Lot

Put on your best costume and come join Pack 60 and Resurrection Lutheran Church for their annual Trunk-or-Treat event!  If you are interested in helping decorate a trunk, please contact Ross Dahlin so that we can coordinate. Trunks must be fully decorated by 11:15am - Full Details

Monday, October 30 - Fundraising Orders are Due

Watch for more directions. Money and orders need to be turned in to the lockbox at the Tillman residence - 7285 Newbury Draw

Thursday, November 9 - 6:30-7:45pm - November Pack Meeting - Uniform Inspection  @ Lake Middle School Cafeteria

This is your chance to show off all of your awards!  So, make sure to get your uniform all prepped, and look your best!  You'll be judged by various community members in THEIR uniforms!  If your uniform isn't perfect, that's OK, as long as you try your best, and pledge to fix up the things that aren't quite up to par, you'll walk away with this year's "5-Star Inspection" patch! - Full Details - including checklists of what will be checked.

Saturday, November 11 - 1:30 - 4:00pm  - Feed My Starving Children

Join us for this wonderful Service Project opportunity. Packing meals for Feed My Starving Children in Eagan.  Full Details

Other Important Announcements  is our online advancement tracking system. At this point ALL of our new families should be connected to their child in Scoutbook and receiving our communications. If you work on rank requirements outside of your Den Meetings, please go in and record those completions in Scoutbook  ASAP.

Pack Meeting Location

Due to the quickly shrinking amount of daylight, all of our meetings will be held in the Lake Middle School Cafetorium (3133 Pioneer Dr, Woodbury) until further notice.  Pack Meetings are usually 6:30pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month.  However, they my change weeks due to room availability, holidays, and other events.  

Fundraising PRIZES!

Get out and knock on doors, talk to your neighbors, call grandma and grandpa, and see if they will support Cub Scouts by buying a wreath or popcorn!

Sell $350 ($500 per family) and get invited to our Pizza and Movie reward party!

Top WREATH sellers, and WAGON popcorn sellers (storefronts not included) will also win gift cards and a chance at other prizes.

Top WREATH sellers will also win the chance to throw a PIE into the face of the person of their choice!

Volunteers Needed

We are still in need of volunteers to help our Pack operate as smoothly as possible. If you are interested in helping out in any of these positions, or have some other talent to offer, please contact Erik McKloskey at

Uniform Donation / Exchange

Do you have any gently uses Scouting equipment (shirts, pants, neckerchiefs, slides, etc.) that you are no longer using?  Turn it back in to us at any of our Pack Meetings and we will help send it on to another caring family or Scout in need.  And if you see something in our collection that you need, feel free to take it.  It's just another way that we're trying to thrifty and helpful.

If you have ANY questions, please reach out to your Den Leader or any of the other leaders in our Pack, including and



Popcorn Sales Start TOMORROW - 5pm (and Wreaths too!)

Good evening Pack 60!  It was good to see all of you again at our 1st Pack Meeting last week!  And another BIG welcome to all of our NEW Scouts!

As usual, there was an over abundance of information presented at the Parent Meeting, not least important of which were details regarding our WREATH and POPCORN fundraisers.   Below are some important points about the fundraiser that you need to know as we get started.


The biggest thing to remember is: We aren't really selling Popcorn.

I know this is the POPCORN sale, but no, that's NOT a typo.

We aren't selling popcorn... we're selling Scouting.  This is a donation that helps our Pack, Council, and its Scouts to go on adventures and learn to be engaged citizens and future leaders.  The popcorn is just something tasty to say "Thank you for your support!"  Keep that in mind if/when people complain about the prices.

Here are some additional bits of information:

1) Sales start TOMORROW (Friday Sep 22) @ 5pm 

2) Door-to-Door Sales:  

3) Storefront Sales


1) Collect Payment NOW:  Just like popcorn, take the payment now.  We cannot order the wreaths if we don't have payment.  Then, it make delivery nice and easy... you can just leave it on their doorstep with a thank you note if they are not home.

2) Pie in the Face: - Note - This prize is ONLY for wreath sellers, as Popcorn has it's own prize system.  

3) Delivery:  The wreaths will be ready for pickup the Thurs-Sat BEFORE Thanksgiving.  Please plan on 





DERBY DAY - Final Notes

Good morning Pack 60!  This is it!  The derby is NEXT SATURDAY!!!


Just a few quick reminders as we approach Race Day:

1) EVERYONE  MUST RSVP by Thursday, March 23 (even if you aren't participating)

We need time to get all of the information entered into the Race Software so that we can determine our race lineup.

Please register your cars here ASAP:

2) Not particpating this year? PLEASE RSVP!

Please fill out a registration so that we KNOW that you aren't racing!

3) Volunteers  Still Needed

The jobs are all super easy, and help make everything run smoothly:

4) Food Shelf Donations

Don't forget to bring cash and non-perishable food donations to earn PIZZA at a future Den Meeting!

5) Snack Bar

Don't forget cash for the Snack Bar!  Proceeds will be used to replace supplies lost with our stolen trailer.

6) Invite Family and Friends

This is a FUN event, and there's more than enough space for everyone!

Any questions?  Email


DERBY DAY - 2 Weeks Away! - Registration Info

Good morning Pack 60!  It's hard to believe, but our Pinewood Derby is 2 WEEKS FROM TODAY!!!

I've got some important information below, so please make sure to read it all.

1) Volunteers Needed

We NEED volunteers to make sure this event runs smoothly. 

PLEASE go to the signup genius to volunteer. The jobs are all super easy, but they need to be done.

The jobs are all super easy, but they need to get done.

2)  Race Announcer or Race Coordinator Needed

Unfortunately, I cannot do both jobs. Therefore, I NEED an assistant to help me.

If you are willing to perform either of these tasks, please contact ASAP.

3) EVERYONE  MUST RSVP by Thursday, March 23 (even if you aren't participating)

RSVP even if:

We need time to get all of the information entered into the Race Software so that we can determine our race lineup.

Please register your cars here ASAP:

4)  Get your cars READY!

Check out our Pinewood Derby page for full information

Here are a few helpful tips

5) Food Shelf Donations

As a Thank You to Guardian Angels Church for letting us use their space, we will be collecting cash and non-perishable food donations for the Open Cupboard Food Shelf. 

The Den with the most donations will earn PIZZA  at a future Den Meeting.

6) Snack Bar

Former Pack 60 Scouts will be operating this year's Snack Bar with a variety of snacks, including: hot dogs, chips, candy, pop, water, and Girl Scout Cookies.

Proceeds will be used to replace supplies lost with our stolen trailer.

I don't know if we'll have any methods of electronic payment, so please bring cash!

7) Invite Family and Friends

The Scouts are always proud of their cars and love having the attention of Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, neighbors and friends..

This is a FUN event, and there's more than enough space for everyone!

Any questions?  Email



CAKE BAKE! +  Other Upcoming Events

Good afternoon Pack 60!  Next Thursday is the return of our Pack 60 CAKE BAKE!  I'm sooooo excited to see all of the CREATIVE designs!  Below are a few details about what to do.  Additional information can be found on the Cake Bake page of our website.


Listed after that are details about other upcoming events.  I hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 9 - February Pack Meeting - Lake Middle School - 6:30pm


SCOUTS BSA is 113 years old! 

This year, we will be celebrating with the return of a Pack 60 favorite... the CAKE BAKE!

Last run in 2019, this event will be new to most of you, so here are a few details:

The task:   The Scout shall bake and decorate (with the help of an adult) a CAKE of their choosing

The theme:  Anything the Scout desires. However, awards will be handed out for the following specific themes (plus others as decided by our volunteer Judges)

How it works:  Check in when you arrive, and you will be given a number.  Place your cake and your number on one of the available tables, then stand back and give everyone else room to set up their cakes. During the meeting, we will be vote for our favorite cakes and announce the winners.  After the meeting, you will be allowed to sample any of the cakes that are available.  Plates and forks will be provided. However, if possible, please bring a knife and/or spatula of your own to help serve the cake. 

Do we have to make a cake:  No, you do not have to make a cake to participate. However, you DO have to make a cake in order to earn the "Cake Bake" Activity Patch.

Can I use things other than cake?:   At least PART of the cake should actually be cake.  Otherwise, you can use other items (rice krispie bars, cookies, licorice, etc.) as needed in order to make your cake the way you want it.

Families with multiple scouts: It's up to you. Each Scout can make their own cake -or- they can work together to make 1 cake.

The fine print:  The Scout should be involved with all aspects of the design, baking, and decorating. The Scout should, to the best of their ability, do as much as possible... and always DO THEIR BEST!   The Scout should be proud of their creation, no matter what. 

Sunday, February 5 - Scout Sunday

The Boy Scouts of America was founded on February 8, 1910.  To help recognize the contributions of youth and adults to the scouting movement, and to recognize the importance of a scout's Duty to God, scouts are encouraged to wear their uniforms to their religious services on this day.

If you can help greet people at Resurrection Lutheran, our Chartered Organization, please email please email Ross Dahlin - Then simply show up at Resurrection Lutheran dressed neatly in your Scout Uniform at either 8:40 or 10:10am

Otherwise, please wear your uniform to YOUR church services.  You can even ask if there's anything that you can do to help out.

Be proud that you are a Scout!  Be proud to do your Duty to God!

Religious Emblems

On a related note, Scout Sunday is also a time to recognize any scouts who have recently earned a religious emblem, signified by a Purple Square Knot worn over the left pocket.  Requirements to earn these emblems are different for each religious denomination.  If you are interested in having your Scout work on these requirements, please reach out to Alicia Tillman at and she can help to get you started.  More information can be found here:

Saturday, February 11 - Winter Activity Day - Cottage Grove Ravine Park - 10:00am-3:00pm

Join us for a day of Winter Activities... Ice Fishing, Snowshoeing, and Cross-Country Skiing.  

Watch the website for more information about signing up for timeslots to participate.

Attendees will earn the WINTER ACTIVITY segment for their Pack 60 Activity Patch!

Saturday, February 25 - Polar Cubs - Camp Phillippo - 8:00am - 3:30pm

Registration for this event is already full.  If you would like to attend, please contact Brian Cretzmeyer ( to get on the waiting list.

Deails can be found on our website:

Attendees will earn the WINTER ACTIVITY segment for their Pack 60 Activity Patch!

Saturday, March 25 - Pinewood Derby

Mark you calendars!  Saturday, March 25 is RACE DAY!

As you may have noticed... Santa gave all the Scouts a gift at the last Dec Pack Meeting... their very own Pinewood Derby Kit!

Checkout the Pinewood Derby page on our website for all the information!

We are looking for some volunteers to help plan this event. If you are interested in helping, please reach out to

Volunteers Needed!

We are fortunate enough to have a wonderful group of Leaders to help make everything in our Pack happen.

However, leaders move on eventually, and we are always in need of new help.

We are specifically looking for help in the following areas, but are more than willing to have you join our Committee to simply plan new experiences for the Scouts.

Please let me know if you can help out with any of the following:

Whew!  Did I miss anything?!  I hope not!  See you all soon!




Bell Ringing, Toy Drive, Sandwich Making, Polar Cubs, and more!

Hello Pack 60!  I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving, and is now getting in that festive spirit, especially with the fresh dumping of SNOW yesterday!

Fundraising season is over! The Scouts did an AMAZING job this year. Overall, Pack 60 Scouts earned over $6,000 for THEMSELVES to help pay for camp and other scouting fees.  As a thank you to those who sold Wreaths, invites went out to anyone selling over $100 in wreaths for our Movie/Pizza party this Friday.  If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do so!  All Scouts who sold wreaths or popcorn will receive the Wreath and/or Popcorn activity patches!

The Season for Giving
'Tis the season for giving, and now is the time for all Scouts to show how HELPFUL they can be by participating in our trio of service opportunities.
1) Toy Drive - December 8 Pack Meeting - Last year, BSA Scout and Top Popcorn Seller J.J. Werner from Troop 3506 in Ham Lake earned $5,800 in Amazon Gift Cards during the popcorn sale, and decided to spend ALL of it on toys for foster children!  This year, J.J. is doing the same, and is asking all Scouts to consider spending some of their gift card earnings to help him make an even bigger impact this year.  Bring an unwrapped toy for children 0-18 to our December Pack Meeting, and we'll make sure it gets to J.J. and to children less fortunate than ours.  You can hear more about JJ's story here:

2) Sandwich Making - Join us for our Pack Meeting next Thursday, Dec 8 where we will help Allan Law "The Sandwich Guy" feed the homeless by preparing sandwiches for those less fortunate than us.  Hopefully, Mr. Law will be able to join us in person to tell the kids about his mission.  Rumor has it that there will be another "special visitor" stopping by as well!

3) Bell Ringing - Saturday, Dec 10 @ Cabela's from 11am-5pm.  If you haven't already, please sign up for a 1 hour spot alongside another scoutmate, raise money for a good cause, and earn the Bell Ringing activity patch!  More details and RSVP here:

Polar Cubs - Sunday, Feb 25
Polar Cubs  is an annual day camp at Phillippo Scout Reservation in Cannon Falls and always a highlight of the winter for Pack 60. Scouts will participate in a wide array of outdoor and indoor activities, and non-scout siblings and family are definitely welcome.  Registration is already open, and is first-come/first-serve. Spots usually fill up by Jan 1, so it's best to register early.  For full details, please visit:

Other upcoming events:
Snow Sledding Day - Sunday, Jan 22 1-4pm @ Tablyn Park - Lake Elmo

Winter Activities Day - Tentatively Sunday, Feb 5 1-4pm 



Wreath & Popcorn Orders DUE - Monday, October 31!

This is your 1 week warning! ALL Popcorn and Wreath orders are due next week on Monday, October 31.  We realize that is also HALLOWEEN, so please plan accordingly.  If you know that you are finished with sales, you can turn in your orders at any time.  Orders can be turned in any time starting NOW!

This is your last chance to make a few more sales to try to get to that next level in Popcorn Prizes, or to try to be the TOP WREATH SELLER in your Den and throw a PIE IN THE FACE of the Leader/Adult of your choice and our December Pack Meeting!  Not a top seller?  That's okay!  We will also be randomly drawing a handful of other winners... the more items you sell, the better chance you have of winning!

Please visit the WREATH and POPCORN pages for full instructions on how to turn in your orders. Here is a quick rundown:


Add your orders to the Excel Submission Form or the PDF Submission Form. (located on the website)

Make sure your Sales Total matches your Cash+Check Total.

PREFERRABLY:   Keep the cash for yourself and write out 1 check to cover all of your cash.

Print out your completed Submission Form and put it in an envelope with all of your cash and checks.

DO NOT include your actual sales form - save this so you know whom to deliver the wreaths to.

Label the envelope "WREATHS - <Scout Name>"

Deposit the envelope by Monday, Oct 31 into the Lock Box on the bench outside the Tillman residence - 7285 Newbury Draw


Enter ALL of your orders as "Wagon" sales into the Trail's End App or Website.

View your Dashboard in the Trail's End App or Website to see your Amount Due to Unit

Pay your amount due by either:

1) PREFERRED - Click on the "Pay Now" button in the Trail's End App (not available in the Website) to pay your amount due by Credit Card


2) Put cash and checks into an envelope labeled "POPCORN - Scout Name" and drop it into the Lock Box on the bench outside the Tillman residence - 7285 Newbury Draw by Monday, Oct 3.

Please DO NOT turn in your paper sales form with the money

WHAT IF? - What is someone bought both wreaths AND popcorn and paid with only 1 check?  Put the check in one pile or the other, and move cash to the other pile so that both piles contain the correct amount of money.  If you don't have the correct amount of change to do that, please hand deliver the envelope to Jason Tillman instead of using the lock box, and we'll make it work.

If you have any questions, please reach out to or

If you need an IMMEDIATE response, please call/text Clint Jamison @ 651-348-6386 for wreath questions, and Jason Tillman @ 651-983-1687 for popcorn or general questions.

Thank you for another amazing fundraising season!  Now it's time to focus on the FUN!

Cubmaster Tillman


Hello Pack 60!  Our Scouting year is off to a roaring start! Here are some important announcements as we try to keep up the momentum:

Pie in the face?!   - Respond by Friday!

Yes, you heard me right! It's the return of the Scout favorite activity! HIT ONE OF OUR LEADERS WITH A PIE IN THE FACE!

Email by Wednesday with your Scout's name, number of WREATH items sold, and total WREATH dollar amount,  and they will be entered into a drawing to hit one of our leaders with a pie in the face at Bear Science Fair on Thursday!

Popcorn  Fundraiser

Our popcorn fundraiser is well underway, but we NEED YOUR HELP!  The older BSA Scouts are doing their best to help us out, but they just can't compete with the "Cute Factor" that the Cub Scout provide!   There are plenty of open shifts available for ALL weekends through the end of the month.  Each 2 hour shift is currently earning $175 in sales per Scout!  Therefore, it will only take 2 shifts to reach the requested $350 sales quota and earn back your $35 activity fee!  Sign up NOW before all the older BSA Scouts do!

October Pack Meeting - Bear Science Fair 

Lake Middle School Cafeteria   - Thursday, October 13 - 6:30-7:45pm

Our next Pack Meeting will be THIS THURSDAY at Lake Middle School.  Our annual Bear Carnival has been replaced by a Science Fair this year!  Come join us for a variety of exhibits that our Bears have put together for us!  All Scouts in attendance will receive the new Science segment for their Activity Patch!

Upcoming Events - Full Calendar

Sunday, October 30 - 11:30am-1:00pm - Trunk-or-Treat! with Resurrection Lutheran Church - Resurrection Church Parking Lot

Put on your best costume and come join Pack 60 and Resurrection Lutheran Church for their annual Trunk-or-Treat event!  If you are interested in helping decorate a trunk, please contact Ross Dahlin so that we can coordinate. Trunks must be fully decorated by 11:20am

Monday, October 30 - Fundraising Orders are Due

Watch for more directions. Money and orders need to be turned in to the lockbox at the Tillman residence - 7285 Newbury Draw

Thursday, November 3 - 6:30-7:45pm - November Pack Meeting - Uniform Inspection  @ Lake Middle School Cafeteria

This is your chance to show off all of your awards!  So, make sure to get your uniform all prepped, and look your best!  You'll be judged by various community members in THEIR uniforms!  If your uniform isn't perfect, that's OK, as long as you try your best, and pledge to fix up the things that aren't quite up to par, you'll walk away with this year's "5-Star Inspection" patch! - Full Details - including checklists of what will be checked.

Other Important Announcements  is our online advancement tracking system. At this point ALL of our new families should be connected to their child in Scoutbook and receiving our communications. If you work on rank requirements outside of your Den Meetings, please go in and record those completions in Scoutbook  ASAP.

Pack Meeting Location

Due to the quickly shrinking amount of daylight, all of our meetings will be held in the Lake Middle School Cafetorium (3133 Pioneer Dr, Woodbury) until further notice.  Pack Meetings are always 6:30pm on Thursdays.  However, they will jump weeks a bit because of room availability, holidays, and other events.  

Fundraising PRIZES!

Get out and knock on doors, talk to your neighbors, call grandma and grandpa, and see if they will support Cub Scouts by buying a wreath or popcorn!

Top wreath sellers will win Gift Cards, and the chance to throw a PIE into the face of the person of their choice!

Sell $350 in Wreaths, and get invited to our Pizza and Movie reward party!

Top popcorn sellers (storefronts not included) will also win gift cards and a chance at other prizes.

Volunteers Needed

We are still in need of volunteers to help our Pack operate as smoothly as possible. If you are interested in helping out in any of these positions, or have some other talent to offer, please contact Erik McKloskey at

Uniform Donation / Exchange

Do you have any gently uses Scouting equipment (shirts, pants, neckerchiefs, slides, etc.) that you are no longer using?  Turn it back in to us at any of our Pack Meetings and we will help send it on to another caring family or Scout in need.  And if you see something in our collection that you need, feel free to take it.  It's just another way that we're trying to thrifty and helpful.

If you have ANY questions, please reach out to your Den Leader or any of the other leaders in our Pack, including and



1st Pack Meeting + Popcorn Kickoff + Fall Campout

It was nice to see so many smiling faces at today's Ice Cream Social! It was also nice to meet many of our new and prospective families.  I'm just sad that there wasn't enough time to talk to EVERYONE!

Here are some important announcements as we start off our year.

1st Pack Meeting

Thursday, Sept 15, 6:30-7:45 

Resurrection Lutheran Church

Our first official Pack Meeting (all grade levels) is only 5 days away! 

This meeting will be OUTSIDE at Resurrection Lutheran Church.  Adults, please bring a camp chair if you would like to sit.  Scouts will sit on the ground.  If the ground is wet, we will have tarps for them to sit on.

At this meeting, the Scouts will participate in various activities designed to help introduce them to Scouting and how we run our Pack.  Meanwhile, the adults will attend a breakout session to explain our Pack in more detail, give you important information about our upcoming events, and answer any questions that you may have about our Pack, or Scouting in general.  Most importantly though, we will discuss our upcoming fundraisers and Fall Campout!

If the weather forecast is bad, then we will send out a message and will relocate to the Lake Middle School Cafeteria

Popcorn Fundraiser Kickoff - RSVP Recommended

Saturday, September 17 -  9am-1pm (Open House Style)

BSA Base Camp: 6202 Bloomington Rd, St Paul, MN 55111

One of our fundraisers is selling Scout Popcorn.  This is a nationwide fundraiser coordinated by our Council, and helps fund not only our Pack, but also the various camps and programs that are offered by our Council, with over 73% of the proceeds staying LOCAL.  To help kickstart this effort, the Council is putting on an Open House style kickoff event to better explain the popcorn sale and get the Scouts excited to sell.

RSVPs are not required, but if you DO, you will be entered into a drawing for a Nintendo Switch.  Also, ALL attendees will receive a color changing cup, and 1 in 20 will win another prize!  And best of all, you'll see ME there! ;-)

FULL Details Here:

RSVP Here:

Fall Campout - RSVP Requested

Saturday, September 24 12:00pm - Sunday, September 25 11:00am - Overnight NOT required.

Fred C. Andersen Camp - 186 Andersen Scout Camp Road, Houlton, WI 54082

This is our BIG kickoff event!  The afternoon will be spent working with your Dens on various activities.  NEW Scouts will earn their first rank badge. We will enjoy dinner prepared for us by the Webelos (5th Grade) Scouts.  We will enjoy a big campfire program, and then return to our campsite for a treat before heading to bed.  In the morning, we will eat breakfast also prepared by the Webelos Scouts, and then spend some time at the Archery and BB Gun ranges.

If you don't have the gear for camping out, we DO have limited indoor space available.  Otherwise, you are welcome to come return home for the night and join us again in the morning.

The help us better plan for this event, please fill out the following RSVP:

FULL Details Here:

Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday!!!

- Cubmaster Tillman


Ice Cream Social + Activity Fee

Ice Cream!

It's hard to believe that summer is officially over already!  But that means it's time for Cub Scouts again!  Don't forget to join us at Resurrection Lutheran Church this coming Saturday, September 10 from 4:00-5:30pm for our annual Ice Cream Social!  Class B activity shirts are perfectly acceptable for this gathering.  Come for the ice cream, and stay for some games with your fellow Scouts.  For our new families, meet our leaders, get your questions answered, and get some free swag for joining, including your very own Pack 60 Class B activity shirt! Also... feel free to invite a friend who you think would enjoy learning about Cub Scouts, because Scouting is even more fun with a friend!

Activity Fee - Due by  our Fall Campout - September  24

A Scout is Thrifty - Our leadership committee is always doing whatever we can to keep our ongoing expenses low while still providing a quality program for the Scouts, and we will continue to do so.  Unfortunately, COVID has put a toll on our finances via increased supply costs and decreased fundraising revenue.   After much discussion, our leadership committee has decided that this year, we will need to charge an activity fee in order to avoid cutting back on some of our experiences.  To lessen the impact of this activity fee, we've also adjusted our fundraising rules to allow families to start earning Scout Account money on their first sale instead of having to hit the requested minimum threshold first.  Full fundraising details can be found on the fundraising pages of our website, but here is a quick overview for 2022-23:

  Before Now

Activity Fee: $0 $35 per Scout / $50 per Family max

Fundraiser Earnings before $350 Quota: 0% 10%

Fundraiser Earnings after $350 Quota: 20% 20%

Essentially, before, you only earned money for your Scout Account AFTER you hit the threshold.   Now, you'll earn 10% of everything you sell under the threshold.   Therefore, if you sell the requested minimum amount in our fundraiser, you will earn your Activity Fee back.  We intend to reevaluate this decision next year based on this year's fundraising totals and costs.  This was not an easy decision for us to make, but we felt it was better than lessening our program.

We kindly ask that you pay for this activity fee either at our Ice Cream Social, September Pack Meeting, or Fall Campout.  For those with Scout Account balances, we can easily deduct your fee from there.

Please feel free to reach out to me, or to Erik McKloskey, our Committee Chair, if you have any questions or concerns about this.

Thank you for joining us again this year... as usual, this year's going to be FAAAAAN-tastistic.... TERRRRRR-iffic......GRRRRRRR-oovy, and all that STUFF!

Yours in Scouting,

Cubmaster Tillman



Reminder to Register ASAP + Tentative 2022/23 Calendar

Just a friendly reminder that we would like all returning scouts to re-register for the 2022-2023 scouting year ASAP, but no later than Aug 31.  To register, please go to If you are panning to NOT return this fall, please let me know.

Also, our full tentative calendar for the 2022-2023 season has been posted!  View it here:

Upcoming Events:

Starlight Cinema: Thursday, Aug 4, 7pm

Hot Wheels World Record: Tuesday, August 9, 9am-2pm

Woodbury Days Parade: Sunday, August 21, 10am-1pm

Ice Cream Social: Saturday, Sept 10 -

1st Pack Meeting:  Thursday, Sept 15

Fall Campout: Saturday, Sept 24 - Sunday, Sept 25

Yours in Scouting -

Cubmaster Tillman


Time to Reregister + Upcoming Events

Hello Pack 60!  I hope you all are having a wonderful summer so far.  I've got some important announcements for you about some exciting upcoming events!

Time to Reregister for the 2022-2023 Scouting Year

Please re-register NOW for our upcoming 2022-2023 Scouting Year by clicking the Join Pack 60 link on our webpage, or by going to this link:  The standard registration fee is $180 per Scout again this year.  Please register ASAP, and definitely by August 31, or you may be dropped from our registration and will stop receiving our communications until you get registered again.  If you are planning on NOT returning, please reach out to me so that I can take you off my reminder list.

Fishing Derby - Location Change (again)

Our annual Fishing Derby is TODAY, July 13 from 6-8pm.  However, due to lake conditions, the location has changed (again) to the POWERS Lake Fishing Pier - 10000 Brookview Rd, Woodbury, MN 55129 - . Please bring your fishing pole that you received last year, and invite a friend who you think would enjoy joining us!  Full details can be found on our website:

Starlight Cinema

Stop by the BSA Inflatable Archery Range at Starlight Cinema on Thursday, Aug 4 to say "Hi!" to some of our Pack 60 leaders and scouts.  Try your hand at the archery range, and then stick around for a craft or two.  Volunteers still needed to help staff the booth. Please contact Ross Dahlin ( ) if you are interested in helping. 

Hot Wheels World Record

Are you interested in being a part of HISTORY?!  On Tuesday, August 9, from 9am-2pm, the Northern Star Council will be attempting to break the Guinness World Record for Longest Hot Wheels Track, and they NEED HELP!  If you are available and are interested in helping out, please check out our webpage for more information.

Woodbury Days Parade

It's hard to believe, but we are already making plans for our end-of-summer event, walking in the Woodbury Days Parade. We will be walking with other Woodbury scouting units, handing out candy and flyers, and waving to the crowd as we help promote Scouting. You can find more information at:

Other Important Dates

While you're at it, please pencil in the following dates onto your calendars, as we kick off the 2022-2023 Scouting Year!

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I hope to see you at some of our upcoming events.

Cubmaster Tillman



End of Year Deadline & Pack Picnic

Can you believe it?!  The school year is almost at an end, and that means our Scouting Year is almost at an end too! Following are some VERY IMPORTANT announcements. Please read through them all.

May 31 Deadline

Our Scouting year officially ends on May 31.  If you haven't completed all of your requirements for your current rank yet, or want to get one last elective beltloop completed, then you have less than 2 weeks to get it done. Please go into Scoutbook and mark items as complete... especially the Cyber Chip and Youth Protection components which can be easily overlooked.  Hopefully your Den Leaders have already scheduled make-up events to get everyone caught up.  However, everything CAN be done at HOME too!

Virtual Den Meetings:

Click here to visit Cub Connections which has virtual den meetings to cover all of the required adventures... and more!  There's a tab for each rank.

Youth Protection and Cyber Chip/Protect Yourself

Each year, Scouts must complete the Youth Protection requirement, and either the Cyber Chip -or- the Protect Yourself requirement.

Instructions to complete these requirements can be found in the Den Resources section of our website, or at this link:

If you don't think you can get everything done by May 31, please reach out to your Den Leader, or to, and we can come up with a plan to get your Scout across the finish line.

Pack Picnic - Sat. June 4 - 10:00am Gather; 11:00am-2:00pm @ Stonemill Farms Park (11500 Sawmill Curve, Woodbury)

It's time again for our end-of-year Potluck Picnic and Award Ceremony!

T-Shirts and Camp Payments

If you are attending Summer Camp, or if you ordered one of the new Pack 60 T-Shirts, please bring cash or a checkbook to the picnic to pay what is still owed after your Scout Account funds have been applied.  If you didn't order a t-shirt, we will have extras on hand for $20 each.  Scouts who just joined this year get one for free.


Arrive any time after 10:30. We will be starting promptly at 11:00am with our Award Ceremony, so don't be late!  The scouts will each be receiving their Rank Award, and all of their outstanding beltloops and pins to go with it.  Then, they will get to take a trip through our Cub-o-matic which has the magical ability to transform Lions into Tigers, Wolves in to Bears, and Webelos into Arrows of Light!  


After the awards are complete, we will enjoy a potluck lunch provided by all our wonderful families.  The Pack will be providing hotdogs/brats and Lemonade.

This year's picnic is Pot-Luck, so please sign up here for a dish or two to share!

Come for the food... stay for the conversation!


After lunch, Scouts will be able to participate in a number of activities including:

Items Needed:

Please save any empty 2-Liter bottles that you have and bring them to the Pack Picnic.  The scouts will decorate them and turn them into water bottle rockets. 


Do you have a friend in your school or neighborhood that you think would enjoy Cub Scouts?  Invite them to join our Picnic!  They'll get to hear about all the fun that we have, and will get to participate in our after-lunch activities! If they decide to join, you'll earn a cool "Recruiter" patch for yourself, and best of all... you'll have another friend to hang out with at summer camp!

Help Needed!

With the departure of Cubmaster Chris and the Arrow of Light families, we have some leadership positions within the Pack that are in desperate need of volunteers.  These positions are needed to help keep our Pack going strong, and many only requires a limited time commitment each year.  Additionally, by volunteering, you are setting an example to your Scout that you are committed to their scouting experience, and setting an example as the type of adult we strive for them to be! 

Here are some specific positions we are looking to fill.  If these don't interest you, please talk to us and we can find something suitable for you talents and commitment level.

a. Popcorn Storefront Assistant -  Set up and Take Down our popcorn storefronts on mornings and evenings on weekends in September and October.  This is a PAID POSITION

b. Treasurer - Keep track of our budget, Scout Accounts, Camp Payments, etc.  Our existing Treasurer has offered to stay on for another year to help train/assist a new volunteer. 

c. Committee Member - Attend the monthly Leader Meeting to discuss and plan the upcoming Pack events.  Give your feedback about what's working, what's not.  Suggest new events.

d. Assistant Cubmaster - Meet with the Cubmaster between meetings to help plan our monthly events.  Assist with the execution of those events where possible.

Thank you for your continued support of our Scouting program!  I'm looking forward to see you all of your smiling faces at the picnic!

Jason Tillman - Cubmaster
Woodbury Cub Scout Pack 60



Camp RSVP Deadline TOMORROW + Planting Trees

In case you missed the announcement last week, I've got 2 very important reminders.

Summer Camp Registration Deadline TOMORROW, April 30

We still have openings in our camp reservation, but we have to forfeit any unfilled spots on Sunday.

RSVP now to guarantee your spot!

Check out our Summer Camp page for full details:

RSVP Here:

Payments due at our June 4 Picnic.

For those who are new to the Pack and have never attended Summer Camp, here is a quick overview of what camp is like.


     Arrive at 6pm after dinner, set up your tent, take a camp tour, enjoy an evening campfire program


     Breakfast (provided by camp)

     Break into small groups and walk around camp participating in 45 minute long activity stations (STEM, Archery, BB Guns, Swimming, etc.)

     Lunch (provided by camp)

     Additional planned small-group activities

     Dinner (provided by camp)

     Free Time

     Evening Campfire Program

     Evening Pack Campfire / S'mores


     Breakfast provided by camp

     Additional planned small-group activities

     Lunch provided by camp

     Free Time for activities

Scouts are kept busy all day, and have a ton of fun. Additionally, scouts will complete numerous requirements for the next rank.

If you have ANY questions or concerns, please reach out to at any time.

Tree Planting at Lake Elmo Park Reserve - Tomorrow, April 30 @ 9:00am

The forecast for tomorrow is for rain, but the event is still moving forward unless there is lightning. If it needs to be cancelled, I will send an email out as soon as I know.

Please RSVP here so that we know who to expect:

Check out the website for the full details including a map to the location, and a link to print a temporary vehicle permit.

Be sure to dress for the weather, and bring gloves, shovels, and gear that can get dirty!!!

I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!


Service Opportunities, Bike Rodeo, and Summer Plans (already!)

I apologize... it's been a while, and a lot has happened since our last update.  In case you haven't been to our last couple events, here's a quick recap.

Pinewood Derby

April Pack Meeting 

Upcoming Events

Service Opportunities -

Service to others is the definition of being a Scout.  As such it is a requirement to earn your "Duty to God" adventure in each rank..

Take advantage of these opportunities to help others!

Check out the Service Events page on our website for full information:

Former Pack 60 family member Jordyn Langan is working on completing her Girl Scout Gold Award Project, planting trees and shrubs to restore some of the wetland and savannah over at Lake Elmo Park Reserve, and she needs our help!

Please see the website for full details, including a map to the location, and link to print a temporary vehicle permit.

Please RSVP here:

To thank Resurrection Lutheran Church for agreeing to be our new home, Pack 60 would like to help them out by assisting with their Sunday School lessons on Mother's Day, Sunday May 8.   The Church already has lesson plans set and the Church Youth Director will be providing instruction and assistance as well.

We are looking Scouts in 2nd Grade and older to help with this project.

Check out the website for full details.

Please RSVP here: 

Pack T-Shirt Orders

We are currently taking orders for our NEW Pack 60 T-Shirt! 

The Pack T-Shirt can be worn at our Pack Picnic, Summer Camp, any of our other summer activities, and any other time that our full uniform isn't required.

All NEW scouts will get a t-shirt FREE simply for joining our Pack.  Additional shirts may be purchased by ALL scouts and adults for an additional charge.

Orders are due at our May Pack Meeting (Bike Rodeo). Payment and delivery is expected at our Pack Picnic on June 4.

Check out the Trading Post page on our website to see the new design and place your order!

Bike Rodeo

Get you bike tuned up, and gather all your safety gear... because the 3rd Annual Pack 60 Bike Rodeo is coming up!

Our May Pack Meeting on Thursday, May 12@6:30pm will be held OUTDOORS and Resurrection Lutheran Church (weather permitting).

In the case of inclement weather, we will fall back and meet at Lake Middle School instead.

If you don't have a bicycle, a scooter will be acceptable. We will have a handful of extra scooters available if needed.

Summer Camp - June 24-26

Believe it or not... time is running out!

There are still a limited number of openings available, but only until May 1st!

Any unfilled registrations will be forfeited at that time, and future registrations will only be made if space is available.

So, don't delay! Register now before they are gone!

Check out our Summer Camp page for full details:

RSVP Here:

End of the Scouting Year

Our Scouting Year ends on May 31,  2022.  ALL rank requirements must be completed and entered into Scoutbook by that date.

If you have a lot of missing requirements, now is the time to get them completed.  Your Den Leader should be reaching out to you to get things finished, and to potentially schedule a "catch-up day event" to get items completed.

Otherwise, you are encouraged to complete requirements on your own at home, and enter them into Scoutbook or tell your Den Leader once you are done.

On June 1, all Scouts will advance and start work on the NEXT rank. 

Scouts do NOT have to complete all of the requirements in order to advance. However, they will not earn their rank patch if they don't complete the requirements.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Den Leader or

Pack Picnic

We will once again be holding our end-of-year potluck picnic at Stonemill Farms Park on Saturday, June 4 from 11:00am-1:00pm

We will have a Pot Luck picnic followed by our end of year awards ceremony and activates.

You don't want to miss it!

Check out the website for full details!

Pack Annual Planning Meeting

Feedback is a gift, and we are looking for feedback from ALL of our families!

Please join us to help fill out the activity calendar for our 2022-23 Scouting Year

What were your favorite parts of this year?  What were your least favorite?  What's something new we should try?

We want to hear from YOU!

When: Monday, June 6

Where: Carver Park Pavilion and/or fire ring

Who:  ALL Pack 60 Families - kids can play on the playground, or we may have some activities planned


Whew!  That's a lot of stuff!

If you have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Den Leader or!



7 Days Until the Derby - REGISTER NOW!

Don't forget, our Pinewood Derby is NEXT SATURDAY, March 19 at Guardian Angels Church in Oakdale!

As of right now, we only have 11 cars registered for our race.  Deadline for registering is THURSDAY.  

Please go here ASAP to register:

Food Drive

We will be collecting non-perishable food items and cash donations to donate on behalf of Guardian Angels Church to thank them for allowing us to use their space.

The Den with the most donations per Scout will win a Pizza/Movie Party for their entire Den.  So, gather up some food and donate to a good cause.

Volunteers Needed

We are still in desperate need of a few parent volunteers to help make sure our Derby goes smoothly.  In particular, we need 4 volunteers to be our Judges.  Your job is simply to tabulate the Scout Favorite vote, and then choose our winners for the other design categories (Scout Theme, Fastest Looking, Movie Theme, Olympic Theme)

The sign up for a volunteer spot, please visit this link:

Retro Race

Do you have an old Pinewood Derby car from when YOU were a Cub Scout?

Are you an AoL Scout and still have your car from your LION derby?

If so, then bring your car to the Derby and enter it into our Retro Race.

No modifications needed, just throw some graphite on the wheels, and letter rip!

Registrations for the Retro Race would be appreciated:

Guests are Welcome

The Pinewood Derby is one of our most exciting events of the year.  The Scouts are proud of their cars and want to show them off.  Grandma and Grandpa, neighbors, and friends are welcome to join us for this event.

Snack Bar

Once again, the Girl Scouts will be running a snack bar during the Derby, with a selection of cookies, hot dogs, chips, etc.  They will be operating on a CASH ONLY basis, so please remember to bring some cash for the Snack Bar.


Derby Check-In - Pre-Register Your Derby Car - Food Drive!

Pinewood Derby Location and Time!

The time of our Pinewood Derby as been set!

Our Derby will be held on Saturday, March 19 at Guardian Angels Church, near the Best Buy in Oakdale.

Please drive around back and enter the lower level of the church. 

Check-in runs from 12:00-12:50 pm

The race will start promptly at 1:00pm, and should be complete before 4:00pm.

It is planned for the Girl Scouts to be running a snack table selling cookies, hot dogs, chips, candy, and beverages.  This table will be operating on a cash-only basis.

Food Drive

To thank Guardian Angels Church for graciously allowing us to hold our Pinewood Derby in their space, we will be collecting donations of Non-Perishable Food Items and Cash to be given to the Christian Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf on behalf of Guardian Angels.  Please support this food drive as best you can.

Pre-Register Your Car by Thursday, March 17

Go to our Pinewood Derby page or the Derby Registration Form to register your car.  The deadline to register is Thursday, March 17.   Please complete 1 registration for each car. Registrations are due by Thursday, March 17.   Registrations are required for all 3 of our race classes:  Main Event (scouts); Open Class (siblings, parents, guests); Retro Class (unmodified cars from previous years).

If you did not receive a Derby Car Kit, please contact ASAP.

Otherwise, check out our website  for full rules and information, and to watch last year's Derby to get some inspiration for your own design.

Volunteers Needed

The Pinewood Derby takes a lot of work to make sure we give the Scouts the most exciting event possible.  To make sure that everyone (adults too) get a chance to sit back and enjoy the race, we need families to help out with a few small jobs.  Please head over to our Volunteer Signup to help out!

Need Help?

About 1/2 of our Pack is made up of 1st year Scouts who may not have participated in a Pinewood Derby before.  If you are finding yourself at a loss for what to do, please reach out to or any other leader and they will be able to give you plenty of advice.  If you are in need of tools to cut and shape your car, once again, please reach out to and we may be able to arrange an hour to make some basic cuts and get you on the right track. 



Last call for Polar Cubs + Pinewood Derby Info


Last call for Polar Cubs!  We able to add 5 more spots, but they won't last long.  If you want to attend, please register ASAP!

We currently have scouts from ALL 6 grade levels attending!

Lion=2; Tiger=3; Wolf=6; Bear=3; Webelos=2; AoL=2; Siblings=3

To register, go to ASAP. 
For more information, check out the Polar Cubs page on our website:


As discussed during the Parent Meeting at our Pack Meeting last week, preparations for our Pinewood Derby have begun.  I know this can be a confusing event for new families, so here are a few bits of information to get you pointed in the right direction.

This is easily the most anticipated event of the year!  We look forward to making it memorable!


HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Lots of Winter Events Upcoming!

Happy New Year Pack 60!  I hope everyone had a joyous, safe, and healthy Winter Break and start of the New Year!  For me, it was nice to step away from Scouting momentarily and focus on family, and to relax and recharge.  But with 2022 now upon us, we've got a LOT of upcoming events that you won't want to miss!

THIS SATURDAY, January 8 - Pack Sledding at Tablyn Park - 10:30am-1:30pm

8735 Stillwater Blvd N, Lake Elmo, MN 55042

Our annual Pack Sledding event it bound to be loads of fun!  No need to register, just grab your sled, bundle up, and join us for a great time.  Snacks and Hot Cocoa will be provided.  Feel free to come and go at any time.

Attendees will earn the WINTER ACTIVITY segment for their Pack 60 Activity Patch!

Thursday, January  13 - Pack Meeting - Lake Middle School - 6:45pm

Please note the later start time of 6:45pm.

BSA Scouts from Woodbury Troop 72 will be present to work with our older scouts (Bears/Webelos/AoL) to give them a taste of what is in store for them in 5th grade once they earn their Arrow of Light and cross over into a BSA Troop.  Meanwhile, the younger Scouts (Lions/Tigers/Wolves) will be working on some Den related activities, including some team building games, and making their own Den Flag that they can carry during our flag ceremonies.

Saturday, January 15 - Cub Scout Loop-a-Looza - Zoom - 10:00am-5:00pm

Register for this FREE event and Council volunteers will help guide your scout to earn one or more beltloops during 1-2 hours sessions of your choice!  There are only a limited number of spots available, so register soon. 

Saturday, February 5 - Polar Cubs - Camp Phillippo - 8:00am - 3:30pm

Please REGISTER by Jan 15 - spaces are limited -

Polar Cubs is a fun filled day spent OUTDOORS participating in many fun activities such as sledding, tubing, kick sleds, campfire, mushroom ball, leather branding, capture the flag, crafts, and more. 

Cost is $14 for adults, $36 for youth 5+, Youth under 5 are FREE

99% of the day will be spent outdoors, so be sure to dress for the weather. However, camp staff does a wonderful job keeping kids warm. The kids even get a special Sub-Zero patch if the temperatures are below 0 at any point during the event!

When registering, please be sure to accurately list the types of people attending (Adults/Youth/Under5) so that we get our registration correct.  You will need to click the "Add more items" button at the bottom of the list.

Attendees will earn the WINTER ACTIVITY segment for their Pack 60 Activity Patch!

Sunday, February 6 - Scout Sunday

The Boy Scouts of America was founded on February 8, 1910.  To help recognize the contributions of youth and adults to the scouting movement, and to recognize the importance of a scout's Duty to God, scouts are encouraged to wear their uniforms to their religious services on this day.

Additionally, we are trying to organize a way for scouts to help out at Resurrection Lutheran, our new chartered organization, on this day, to show our gratitude for helping us out, and to increase our visibility within the organization.

Religious Emblems

On a related note, Scout Sunday is also a time to recognize any scouts who have recently earned a religious emblem, signified by a Purple Square Knot worn over the left pocket.  Requirements to earn these emblems are different for each religious denomination.  If you are interested in having your Scout work on these requirements, please reach out to Alicia Tillman at and she can help to get you started.  More information can be found here:

Thursday, February 10 - February Pack Meeting - Lake Middle School - 6:30pm


SCOUTS BSA is 112 years old!  You're invited to a birthday party to celebrate being a Cub Scout!  There will be music, games, and most importantly... CAKE!  It's going to be a BLAST!

Saturday, February 12 - Winter Activity Day - Cottage Grove Ravine Park - 10:00am-3:00pm

Join us for a day of Winter Activities... Ice Fishing, Snowshoeing, and Cross-Country Skiing.  Watch the website for more information about signing up for timeslots to participate.  

Attendees will earn the WINTER ACTIVITY segment for their Pack 60 Activity Patch!

Saturday, March 19 - Pinewood Derby

Mark you calendars!  Saturday, March 19 is RACE DAY!

As you may have noticed... Santa gave all the Scouts a gift at the last Pack Meeting... their very own 2022 Pinewood Derby Kit!

Checkout the Pinewood Derby page on our website for all the information!

It is our intention to run our derby In-Person again this year, and we are looking for some volunteers to help pull this off. If you are interested in helping, please reach out to

Whew!  Did I miss anything?!  I hope not!  See you all soon!




Bell Ringing (Help Needed), Yo-Yos, and the Season of Giving!

Hello Pack 60!  I hope everyone was able to spend some time this weekend relaxing, reconnecting with family and friends, and reflecting on all that we have to the thankful for as head into the holiday season.  With the return to in-person school, scouts, and activities, I feel that we are busier than ever, so it was nice to have a weekend to relax with no other commitments. 

While reflecting this weekend, I first found myself blessed to be surrounded by so many caring leaders and parents who help make our Pack a great place for our Scouts to learn, grow, and be engaged.  Additionally, I came to the startling realization that we are already 1/3 of the way through our Scouting Year!  In 3 months, we've already:

Welcomed over 20 new Scouts to our Pack;  Had some fun outdoors; Earned some Bobcat ranks;  Gone camping;  Had campfires;  Had a Halloween Carnival;  Sold wreaths and popcorn;  Earned some awards;  Thrown some pies;  Met some new friends;  and HAD FUN!

Where does the time go?!

With all that behind us, we've still got a LOT to look forward to:

This is a Pack Meeting you don't want to miss!

Thanks again for being a part of Pack 60! I can't wait to have some more fun!



Uniform Inspection Pack Meeting - THURSDAY!

Just a reminder that we have our Uniform Inspection Pack Meeting this Thursday, November 4th at 6:30pm.

Specifics, including the Uniform Guide and the Uniform Checklist can be found on our website under Pack Events -> Uniform Inspection.

So, get your uniform all pressed and proper, but don't worry if it isn't quite up to par.  Everyone passes the Uniform Inspection as long as you promise to DO YOUR BEST to make it better for next time! As an added bonus, all Scouts who attend will get this year's Pack 60 Activity Patch, and a 5-Star Uniform Inspection segment to go with it!  So, don't miss it!

PLEASE NOTE!  -  Pack Meetings this year will be held in the Cafeteria at LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 3133 Pioneer Drive

Because we are meeting indoors, in a public school, and serving our youth population, face masks ARE REQUIRED at this location.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

See you THURSDAY!!!



Wreath & Popcorn Orders DUE - Monday, November 1!

This is your 1 week warning!  ALL Popcorn and Wreath orders are due next week on Monday, November 1.

This is your last chance to make a few more sales to try to get to that next level in Popcorn Prizes, or to try to be the TOP WREATH SELLER in your Den and throw a PIE IN THE FACE of the Leader/Adult of your choice and our Nov 4th Pack Meeting!

Please visit the WREATH and POPCORN pages for full instructions on how to turn in your orders.  Here is a quick rundown:


Add your orders to the Fillable Wreath Order Submission Form. (located on the website)

Make sure your Sales Total matches your Cash+Check Total.

Print out your Submission Form and put it in an envelope with all of your cash and checks.

Please DO NOT include your actual sales form - save this so you know whom to deliver the wreaths to.

Label the envelope "WREATHS - <Scout Name>"

Deposit the envelope by Monday, Nov 1 into the Lock Box on the bench outside the Tillman residence - 7285 Newbury Draw


Enter ALL of your orders as "Wagon" sales into the Trail's End App or Website.

View your Dashboard in the Trail's End App or Website to see your Amount Due to Unit 

Pay your amount due by either:

1) PREFERRED - Click on the "Pay Now" button in the Trail's End App (not available in the Website) to pay your amount due by Credit Card


2) Put cash and checks into an envelope labeled "POPCORN - Scout Name" and drop it into the Lock Box on the bench outside the Tillman residence - 7285 Newbury Draw by Monday, Nov 1.

Please DO NOT turn in your paper sales form with the money

If you have any questions, please reach out to or   

If you need an IMMEDIATE response, please call/text Jason Tillman @ 651-983-1687 for popcorn questions, or Clint Jamison @ 651-348-6386 for wreath questions. 


Pie in the face?!   - Respond by Friday!

Yes, you heard me right! It's the return of the Scout favorite activity! HIT ONE OF OUR LEADERS WITH A PIE IN THE FACE!

Email by Friday with your Scout's name, number of WREATH items sold, and total WREATH dollar amount,  and they will be entered into a drawing to hit one of our leaders with a pie in the face at our Carnival on Saturday!

Speaking of Saturday, please arrive and be ready to go by 1:00pm. We will have a brief Pack Meeting before kicking off our Carnival. The sooner we get our meeting started, the more time well have for games! Games will go until 3:00pm. Stay as long as you want.

We are looking forward to seeing all the Scouts and their creative costumes!

Upcoming Events

Sat, Oct 16 - Trick-or-Treat Carnival - 1:00pm @ Stonemill Farms Resident's Club

Mon, Nov 1 - Wreath & Popcorn Orders/Money Due @ Tillman Residence - 7285 Newbury Draw

Thurs, Nov 4 - Pack Meeting - Uniform Inspection - 6:30pm @ Lake Middle School Cafeteria


Hello Pack 60!  Our Scouting year is off to a roaring start! Here are some important announcements as we try to keep up the momentum:

Upcoming Events - Full Calendar

Trick or Treat Carnival - Saturday, Oct 16 @ Stonemill Farm Resident's Club - 1:00-3:00pm

This is taking the place of our October Pack Meeting. Come join us for a brief pack meeting, followed by a whole slew of carnival style games prepared for us by the Bear Den!  Costumes are not required, but are HIGHLY encouraged!  All Scouts in attendance will earch this year's "Carnival Patch"!  See ALL the details here!

Uniform Inspection Pack Meeting - Thursday, Nov 4 @ Lake Middle School Cafeteria - 6:30-7:45pm

This is your chance to show off all of your awards!  So, make sure to get your uniform all prepped, and look your best!  You'll be judged by various community members in THEIR uniforms!  If your uniform isn't perfect, that's OK, as long as you try your best, and pledge to fix up the things that aren't quite up to par, you'll walk away with this year's "5-Star Inspection" patch! 

Important Announcements

Den Meetings

By now, your Den Leader should be in contact with you with plans for working on Den Requirements. For the Lion (K) and Tiger (1st) Dens, things might be a little slower to get off the ground.   If you haven't heard anything from them by the Trick-or-Treat Carnival, please reach out to and we'll try to help get this going.  is our online advancement tracking system. Unfortunately, due registration issues this year, not all of the new scouts have accounts in Scoutbook yet.  We are working to get that corrected. In the meantime, keep track of your advancement in your physical Scout Rank Books, and we will get the online records updated as soon as possible.

Pack Meeting Location

Due to conflicts at New Life Academy, we've had to find a new location to host our monthly Pack Meetings.  Therefore, until further notice, we will be using the Lake Middle School Cafetorium (3133 Pioneer Dr, Woodbury) for our gatherings. We've used this space in the past, and we feel that it will adequately support our needs.  Pack Meetings will generally start at 6:30pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month, but be sure to double-check the calendar, as there ARE a few exceptions.

Popcorn  Fundraiser

We are still in need of Scouts to staff the storefronts on Oct 9 & 10,  Oct 16 & 17, and Oct 30 & 31.  These storefront will net you $150+ in sales per shift, and are the EASIEST way to achieve your $250/$350 fundraising quota, or to earn that next level prize!  Sign up NOW before the shifts are full!

Wreath  Fundraiser

Email with your current wreath totals by Friday, Oct 15 to be entered into a drawing for a special prize at our Trick-or-Treat Carnival! The more you sell, the better chance you have of winning!

Volunteers Needed

We are still in need of volunteers to help our Pack operate as smoothly as possible. If you are interested in helping out in any of these positions, or have some other talent to offer, please contact Erik McKloskey at

New Scouts

We are blessed to have 17 new scouts joining us this year!  Please welcome them into our Pack, and help them to have a successful first year with us!

All new scouts should have received a 1) fishing pole, 2) Water Bottle containing 2a) Cub Scout T-Shirt, and 2b) Free Fall Day Camp Pass, 3) Neckerchief & Slide, and 4) a Den Number patch.  If you haven't received any of these yet, please contact Jason Tillman at

If you have ANY questions, please reach out to any of the leaders in our Pack, or to or



As we close out our 2020-21 scouting year, I’ve got a couple of important announcements.

Complete ALL requirements by JUNE 1st

ALL work for the current rank MUST be completed by June 1!  If the work is not completed, your scout WILL still move on to the next rank with their den. However, they will NOT earn the patch for the rank they are currently working towards (Lion/Tiger/Wolf/Bear/Webelos).

Many scouts and families simply need to complete the Youth Protection requirements, which must be repeated each year.  To complete the requirements, simply follow the instructions on the Den Resources section of our website, or following this link:

If you feel that your scout will not be able to complete the requirements by June 1, but DO want them to earn the rank patch, please reach out to your Den Leader and me, and we can come up with a plan to get them across the finish line.


RSVP for Picnic (even if you can't attend)

Our end-of-year picnic and award ceremony is scheduled for June 5, a week from Saturday.  Many families have not yet RSVP’d.  Even if you will not be attending, please go to the following link and RSVP so that we have a good count on how many people we need to provide food for.




Please!  Have your scout invite a friend or two to come along and have some fun with us at the picnic!  No RSVP needed, but it wouldn’t hurt.  If someone you invite does join us, please introduce them to one of the leaders to that we can answer any questions that they might have about Scouting.


Volunteers Needed

We are desperately in need of some new parent volunteers! Many hands make light work. Also, by volunteering, you’re setting an example for your scout that you are committed to their scouting experience, and they are more likely to be excited about being a Scout!  Following are some specific positions we are looking for. If you aren’t interested in any of those, please talk to us and we can find something suitable for your interests and commitment level.

a.   Wreath Coordinator – works with the Popcorn coordinator to promote our fall fundraiser

b.   Awards Coordinator – works with the Cubmaster and Committee Chair to purchase and distribute awards once every month or two.

c.   Cubmaster – The “Face” for the pack!  Works with den leaders and other leaders to help plan and run our group events.

d.   Committee Chair – The organizational agent working behind the scenes to make sure we have a plan, and that we have the necessary leaders to execute that plan.

Thank you for your continued support of our Scouting program!

Jason Tillman - Assistant Cubmaster 

Woodbury Cub Scout Pack 60


Pack Picnic & End of Year Deadline

It's been a strange year, but we've managed to keep on Scouting!

Award Ceremony & Culver's Custard;  Gingerbread Houses; Medallion Hunts; Christmas Card Making; Snow Creations; Sledding Day; Polar Cubs; Pinewood Derby; Bike Rodeo... and now Pack Picnic, and soon, SUMMER CAMP!

May 31 Deadline

Our Scouting year officially ends on May 31.  If you haven't completed all of your requirements for your current rank yet, or want to get one last elective beltloop completed, then you have less than 2 weeks to get it done.  Please make sure to go into Scoutbook and mark items as complete... especially the Cyber Chip and Youth Protection components which can be easily overlooked.  If you have questions, please reach out to your Den Leader.

Pack Picnic & Awards - Sat. June 5

Returning to tradition, we will be having a Pack Picnic on Saturday, June 5, at Stonemill Farms Park in Woodbury (11500 Sawmill Curve).  We will be starting promptly at 11:00am with our Award Ceremony, so don't be late!  The scouts will each be receiving their Rank Award, and all of the beltloops and pins to go with it.  They will also get to walk through our Cub-o- matic which will magically transform them into the next rank!  After our awards are complete, we will take some time to have lunch and converse.  Finally, we will end our day with a variety of activities for the scouts to perform, including:  2-Liter Bottle Rockets; Blanket Ball; Kick Ball; Raingutter Regatta; and more!

To help us plan for food, please RSVP here ASAP:

Items Needed: Please save any empty 2-Liter bottles that you have and bring them to the Pack Picnic.  The scouts will decorate them and turn them into rocket ships which will be launched after lunch.

INVITE-A-FRIEND: Do you have a friend in your school or neighborhood that you think would enjoy Cub Scouts?  Invite them to join our Picnic!  They'll get to hear about all the fun that we have, and will get to participate in our after-lunch activities! If they decide to join, you'll earn a cool "Recruiter" patch for yourself, and best of all... you'll have another friend to hang out with at summer camp!

We are looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces at the picnic!

Yours in Scouting,

Jason Tillman




Pinewood Derby - Work Week!

Our Pinewood Derby turn-in is only 9 DAYS AWAY! 

Spring Break is the perfect time to start working on your cars if you haven't already, and put the finishing touches on them!

Even if you ARE NOT racing this year, PLEASE go to our website and fill out the registration survey on the right side so that we know who will be racing.

If you ARE racing, then please go and sign up for a timeslot to turn in your cars on Saturday, March 13.

If you want to participate, but simply don't have the tools available to cut the cars:

Remember, adults and siblings are encouraged to turn in cars too!  We currently have 30 cars registered. I'd love to see that rise up closer to 60!  So, get registered, and start your engines!!!

Important Dates

/Sign-up for a timeslot here:

Go to our Website or

Tune in to see all of our cars and see who gets to take home the hardware!

As always, please reach out to me with any questions.

Yours in Scouting,

Jason Tillman




Pinewood Derby - Important Announcements

Our Pinewood Derby Plans for this year and coming together nicely. Here is some important information that everyone needs to know in order to participate in this year’s Pinewood Derby!

As always, please look at our website for all of the UP-TO-DATE information, including:

Please go to the website above, and fill out the Pre-Registration form on the right side, EVEN IF you are NOT participating. This will give us a better idea of how many racers we should expect to have, so that we can plan this event to run as smoothly as possible.

This year, Scouts get to vote for their favorites in ALL of our categories!

Go to our Website or

Tune in to see all of our cars and see who gets to take home the hardware!

As always, please reach out to me with any questions.

Yours in Scouting,

Jason Tillman



Fabulous February Everyone! 

Can you believe we're already 1/12th of the way through 2021?!

Here are some important announcements for all of our upcoming activities.

Be sure to RSVP for our upcoming events to ensure that we will have space available for you!

1) Please bookmark our NEW Pack Website

Instead of digging through emails to try to find the latest information about our Pack Events... check out our website instead!  We are trying to keep all the important information there so that it is quickly within reach.  If you have suggestions about the content or organization of items on the website, please reach out to

2) RSVP ASAP for Winter Activity Day @ Cottage Grove Ravine Park - Sat, Feb 13 - 10am-1pm

We still have room available for participants for our Winter Activity Day.  Consisting of 3 1-hour activity rotations, this event is sure to please!  Ice fishing, snow shoeing,  and cross country skiing!  Please go to the activity page on our website to register so that we have enough volunteers and gear for everyone!

3) RSVP ASAP for Polar Cubs Day Camp @ Camp Phillippo - Cannon Falls, MN - Sat, Feb 20 - 8am-3pm

Register by Thursday, Feb 4 to guarantee your spot.  Late registrations are welcome, but only if there is still room available.  Polar Cubs is always a load of fun, especially when we have a decent amount of snow!  Check out the activity page linked above for more details.

4) Snow Sculptures for our Feb, 11 Pack Meeting

Our next Pack Meeting is coming up on Thursday, Feb 11 @ 6:30pm.  Before then, get outside and make a snow sculpture to celebrate the Winter Carnival and all things winter here in MN!  Submit your photos by Tuesday, Feb 9 so that we can share it with the entire Pack!  Check out the activity link above for more details.

5)  PINEWOOD DERBY!!! - Complete your cars by March 1

In case you missed the last Pack Meeting, it was announced that it is now PINEWOOD DERBY SEASON!  That's right Scouts!  Break out those saws, sandpaper and paint! Get your cars completed by March 1.  Then, wait for an announcement about when and where to turn your cars in.  Leaders will then race the cars and video record the results so that we can all watch us during a LIVE ZOOM EVENT!  Check out the activity link above for ALL the details!

6) Pack 60 Medallion Hunt Update - Final Medallion Hunt starts Friday, Feb 5!

Thanks to you, our 1st ever Pack 60 Winter Medallion Hunt has been a huge success!  Some medallions have been easy to find, and others, not so much!  All I know is that we've got some real super sleuths in our Pack who have been able to decipher the clues with ease!  There's still 1 medallion left to find, so get out there an HUNT!

Congratulations to all of our winners so far:

7)  Summer Camp - Save the Date!  -  Friday, June 25@6:00pm - Sunday, June 27@Noon - Camp Phillippo Scout Scamp - Cannon Falls, MN

I know it's hard to think about Summer Camp with all that snow out there... but reservations have already been made for current K-3rd grade members of Pack 60 to attend.   Check out for more details!

* Current 4th grade scouts - contact your Den Leaders to find out plans for a separate AoL camp just for your Den!

Keep Scouting!

Chris Blake - Cubmaster

Ross Dahlin & Jason Tillman - Asst. Cubmasters




Our Medallion Hunt has started!  Be sure to check out the Medallion Hunt page in the Pack Events for all the details!

Upcoming Events

Check out the Pack Event page for information on our upcoming events!




Upcoming Events

Check out the Pack Event page for information on our upcoming events!



Scoutbook Login Issues

The Scoutbook website recently underwent some technical changes, and they have inadvertently messed up logins for many people.

In order to login, do not go to anymore. Instead, go to   If that link does not take you to Scoutbook, then you will need to clear your browser's cache, and cookies for  Instructions on how to do this can be found here:

If you continue to have troubles connecting to Scoutbook, please contact


Hello Pack 60!  We’ve got some EXCITING news for you regarding our upcoming events!

Event Summary (details below):

1st Ever Virtual Pack Meeting & Gingerbread House Decorating Contest

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

We still have many open spots for our Annual Salvation Army Bell Ringing event.  Please sign up ASAP so that we know we have it covered.  Sessions are only 30 minutes each, so feel free to sign up for 2 back-to-back shifts… especially for older scouts.

When:  Saturday, December 5th, 10am-4pm

Where: Cabela’s - Woodbury


Gingerbread Kit / Christmas Card Pickup

Please stop by the Tillman residence to pick up Gingerbread House and Christmas Card kits.

Gingerbread House kits are 1 per Scout, and will be used for our upcoming Pack Meeting.

Christmas Card kits are “take a few, but leave a few for others”.  Decorate cards as you wish. They will be collected after the Pack Meeting and given to residents of Select Senior Living in Coon Rapids.

If you don’t pick up your kits, your Den Leaders will need to deliver them to you. So, please save your Den Leader some time and make it a point to stop by and pick up your kits.

When: Thursday, Nov 27 - Sunday, Nov 30 - All Day

Where: Tillman Residence Front Step - 7285 Newbury Draw, Woodbury 55125

December Virtual Pack Meeting - Gingerbread House Decorating Contest

Zoom Meeting Information: Check your email or Scoutbook.

Rules for the Gingerbread House Decorating Contest

Decorate Christmas Cards for residents of Select Senior Living in Coon Rapids

Using the Christmas Card Kits that you picked up, or any other materials you want, design, assemble, and decorate cards that can be given to residents of Select Senior Living in Coon Rapids to help brighten their holidays.

Please drop completed cards off in the dropbox on the Tillman’s front step

When: Between Friday, December 11 and Friday December 18.

Where: Tillman Residence - 7285 Newbury Draw, Woodbury 55125

Pack 60 Winter Medallion Hunt

Who wants to find some hidden treasure?!

In January, we will be hosting a Medallion Hunt in local Woodbury Parks.  Just like the Winter Carnival Medallion Hunt, but with a Pack 60 twist!

Get outside! Have some fun! Win prizes!

Watch the Medallion Hunt website for more information! 

See you soon!

Chris Blake - Your Cheerful Cubmaster

Ross Dahlin & Jason Tillman - His Merry Minions