Snow Sculptures

February 11, 2011 - Pack Meeting

In celebration of the St. Paul Winter Carnival,

and all things WINTER...

we've got an assignment for you!

Make the best Snow or Ice Sculpture/Creation that you can!

Make something on your own, or team up with your siblings or other Scouts from your neighborhood or Den!

Teamwork is always a good thing.

Themes for this activity are:

1) Snow Fort

2) Snow Man/Woman/Family

3) Scout Theme

4) Most Creative

5) Most Colorful

Click here for some instructions and ideas.

Once you have finished your creation, email a photo of it to:

Be sure to include your Scout's name(s), and a description of what they created!

The deadline for photos is Tuesday, Feb 9.

Have fun!

We can't wait to see what kind of creative things our Scouts can make out of snow and ice!

Come back here later to see photos of all the creations!