Summer Camp
Friday, June 20 - Sunday, June 22, 2025
Detailed information below the video:
Welcome to Summer Camp! Here is the important information:
When: Friday, June 20 6pm - Sunday, June 22 3pm (Monday, June 23th 1pm for optional Webelos Outpost - current 3rd Graders)
Where: Phillippo Scout Camp (30654 32nd Ave Way, Cannon Falls, MN 55009) Map
Who: Pack 60 Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos (1st-4th Grade in the fall), Adults and Siblings
Cost: Scouts & Siblings $155 ($160 after May 1st); Adults $90; Webelos Outpost Extra Night (Current 3rd Graders) $36/person (Scouts and Adults)
Uniform: Class B Activity T-Shirt, Shirts without logos/writing are also acceptable.
What to Bring: Tent (recommend bringing your own and not using the camp's tents), sleeping bag, camp mat, pillow, 2 changes of cloths, toiletries, sun screen, bug spray, rain gear, swim suit, towel, back pack, water bottle, camp chair, flash light.
Parent Sheet & Packing List:
Camp Info Sheet:
If you do not have a tent of your own, please contact us ASAP as there are options available.
Cubmaster Recommendations:
The tentative schedule is below, however, I highly recommend:
1) Wear your swimsuit under your clothes to camp (including adults).
2) Arriving BEFORE 6pm so that you are closer to the front of the line when the gates open.
3) Dropping your items off in camp, then heading straight to the swim tests as the line gets long. Adults are expected to complete the swim test as well.
4) After your swim test, head back to camp to set up your tent before the camp tour.
NOTE) The swim test CAN also be taken the next day but it is best to do it Friday night so it doesn't take up your free-swim time, as EVERYONE needs to complete a swim test in order to use the pool. (There is a shallow section for "non-swimmers".)
When you arrive, there will be camp staff at the check in to direct you to our campsite. Please eat a meal before arrival as there is not a dinner served on Friday evening.
Swim Test Expectations - Adults and Scouts!
All swimmers MUST have a swim tag that designates their current swimming ability: Swimmer, Beginner, or Non-Swimmer. All scouts are considered non-swimmers unless they pass the Beginner or Swimmer tests. Scouts are only allowed to enter areas of the pool for which they are qualified for, based on their current swim test. Additionally, usage of the row boats and canoes at the aquatics beach is dependent on your swim test. Each boat MUST have at least 1 swimmer on board at all times. In the past, the Aquatics Director has allowed non-swimmer scouts to share a boat with a non-swimmer adult. However, this exception is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the Aquatics Director.
Anyone who does not attempt the swim test, or cannot pass the Beginner test.
Jump into the pool
Swim across the width of the pool and back (~40 yards) using any stroke of your choice.
Jump into the pool
Swim across the width of the pool and back, twice (~80 yards) using a front stroke of your choice.
Swim one more width (~20 yards) using a resting back-stroke.
Perform a resting back float for 10 seconds.
Sample Schedule for SUMMER CAMP
5:30 PM Line forms for Check-In
6:00 PM Check-In/Campsite Set Up/Swim Checks
8:00 PM Camp wide Tour/Rules
9:00 PM Opening Campfire
7:30 am Breakfast
8:50 am Opening Flag Ceremony
9:00 am Morning Rotations - move around camp doing age appropriate activities. Each activity is about 60 minutes long.
12:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Afternoon Rotations
5:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Free Time/Sign Up Programs - sign up for your favorite activities like boating, climbing, pool, shooting sports!
8:00 pm Evening Campfire Program
9:00 pm Campsite Time
7:30 am Breakfast
8:50 am Opening Flag Ceremony
9:00 am Morning Rotations
12:00 pm Closing Ceremony
12:30 pm Lunch / Check Out
3:00 pm Outpost Begins (must be pre-registered)
SUNDAY - WEBELOS Outpost (Optional Extra Night for Scouts entering 4th Grade)
3:30 pm Load sleeping gear into trailers
Hike up the trail to the Upper Campsites carrying your clothes and essential gear in your backpack
Set up camp using camp-provided tents and mattresses
Group Games
Campfire Program
Lights Out
Activity Rotations (sample activity possibilities - not guaranteed)
Paintball Gun Range
Tomahawk Throwing
Service Project - Removing Buckthorn
Break Camp
Hike back down to the parking lots.
11:00 am Outpost Ends
Please email Raji Janarthanan with any questions.