Winter Activity Day
Ice Fishing, Snowshoeing,
Cross-Country Skiing (and hot dogs!)
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Location: Cottage Grove Ravine Park
9653 Keats Ave S, Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Time: Various times between 12 pm to 5 pm
What to bring: Warm clothes, camp chair, and Cub Scout spirit! If you have any gear for these events feel free to bring your own.
Cost: $7 (if you need a daily county park permit) Paid at kiosk at entrance
$7 daily MN ski pass (xc skiing only)
$10/adults & $5 youth if you rent skis or snowshoes
Ice Fishing, Fire, and Hot Dogs
12 pm - 5 pm - Ongoing
Ice fishing equipment and lunch/snacks will be provided. Please bring your own camp chair. We will have a few ice houses set up with heaters and there is a pavilion/warming house at the park. Expert ice fishing Leaders and Scouts will to assist with with ice fishing. There will be a contest for the most and biggest fish!Cross Country Skiing & Snowshoeing
We will have organized groups to go out at 1 pm, 2 pm and 3 pm.
Please RSVP in the Signup genius if you plan on participating. Please note that the county only has a limited amount of equipment available and it is first come/first serve. We will reserve equipment upon arrival but cannot guarantee the amount. Scouts will need to take turns and require flexibility on the time. If there is no snow, we will plan on a hike through the scenic wooded trails.
Please RVSP so we can plan for food and equipment. Their are limited spots for skiing and snowshoeing!!!
See you on the ice and trails!!!
Any questions, contact
Brian Cretzmeyer
Pack 60 Outdoor Activities Coordinator
Ross Dahlin
Pack 60 Chartered Organization Rep.